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[Feature Request] Database syncing #1324

Open vesper8 opened 5 years ago

vesper8 commented 5 years ago

My favourite feature from Navicat which I used for years was its ability to perform Data and Structure Synchronization across (remote) databases. It allows you to sync a local database with a remote database and to either sync structure-only, or structure+data. And it lets you pick if you want to sync the entire database or select tables individually.. with many other settings

This is something that I used often and really miss in every other database client I've ever used

It would be great if you could add that.

A much simpler-to-implement feature would also be the ability to save backup&restore jobs/tasks so that I could automate backing up a db on X server and restoring it on Y server all in one operation which I could easily redo in the future without having to do it manually

Thank you for your consideration!

huyphams commented 5 years ago

Thank you, actually, it's already in our plan. along with many other features: diagram, diff, charts...

vesper8 commented 5 years ago

very nice to hear! Any ETA on when this might be added? Weeks? Months?


jpike88 commented 5 years ago

@huyphams I think a diff should be the priority, as it's pretty easy to do, the tools are already there.

Just package something like mysqldiff or something, and spit out its output to start. That would be a huge win. Would be good to easily compare two connections I have, so I can check development database and production database are in sync.

bogdancss commented 4 years ago

any updates on this?

ReynerHL commented 3 years ago

The lack of this feature is the only thing keeps me out of using (and pay) Table Plus. Hope you guys can add it some day.

indigoswann commented 3 years ago

I'll switch from Navicat as soon as structure and DB sync is available.

quocnguyen commented 3 years ago

any updates on this?

StanBarrows commented 3 years ago

Scheduled DB Sync between two tables would be awesome =)

GerhardKotze commented 3 years ago

Would also love that database sync.

mschoenbein commented 3 years ago


4ntz commented 3 years ago

Thank you, actually, it's already in our plan. along with many other features: diagram, diff, charts...

hey @huyphams it's been a year since your last comment here - any news on database syncing?

craigcosmo commented 3 years ago

any update ?

bmovement commented 2 years ago

hey @huyphams it's been a year since your last comment here - any news on database syncing?

Don't worry, it's been 2 years.

apphancer commented 2 years ago

Ouch! I just paid for a licence thinking that such a feature would definitely be there only to discover that there's no schema/data syncing at all. I would have to keep using Navicat for this :(

jpike88 commented 2 years ago

@apphancer how many connections are you syncing?? You know you can export/import the connections right

apphancer commented 2 years ago

@jpike88 always from one db to another. I might have 3-4 different databases that for dev reasons (not always using migrations) I want to be able to sync the schema. In some cases the data as well.

alexn-s commented 2 years ago

would highly appreciate such a feature

green17 commented 2 years ago


leakedby commented 2 years ago


arne-s commented 2 years ago

any updates? I really need this feature, so much time wasted importing/exporting sql dumps

apphancer commented 2 years ago

I'd also like an update on this and just wanted to add that this would be a killer feature for me. More than happy to pay for this as an extra as it would finally allow me to ditch using a separate client for this feature.

shaselboeck commented 1 year ago

Nothing happens here since years. On the comparison page to Navicat I read (see last bullet point):

Go with TablePlus if you:

  • Are a fan of native experience
  • Work with multiple databases Want a modern design with better usability
  • Want quick support & development cycle.
timwassenburg commented 1 year ago

Any updates on this? I like Tableplus, but going back to fooling around with database dumps is a dealbreaker to me.

daveb1014 commented 1 year ago

Well this confirms for me why Navicat is still a thing. Still after all these years I haven't found another option when it comes to structure and data sync capabilities.

diegovogel commented 1 year ago

It's always such a bummer when you search for a feature and find that it's one of those things that was promised years ago and never released 😢

mehdi89 commented 9 months ago

this issue is from 2019 and now 2023 (next month 2024), strange to see this planned feature still not ready.

bogdancss commented 9 months ago

As a response to the reply Henry Pham posted and just removed...we could at least have the ability to sync data/structure between 2 LOCAL dbs. No need to involve cloud at all.

timwassenburg commented 9 months ago

@henry About your concern for security. I think that it is no more risky than exporting and importing a database dump. Both processes involve copying data from one location to another, and both can be done securely if proper precautions are taken.

huyphams commented 9 months ago

Hi, i commented on wrong issue (that is why I removed it) please ignore that comment

bogdancss commented 9 months ago

@huyphams ok - and are there any updates on this issue?

samsong commented 5 months ago

Hi waiting for this feature. Will keep navicat until then

KendallWillard commented 2 months ago

I'm looking at new databases to use and baffled that this feature was requested(and noted to be in development) and it still isn't active. Literally the only reason why I won't use this db tool. Disappointed

stu640978 commented 6 days ago

+1. This is the only reason that I still want to use Navicat instead of switching to TablePlus, are there any updates on this issue?