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[Feature request] CSV-Import with option to give manual default value or a transformation for a field #3294

Open mcphil opened 1 month ago

mcphil commented 1 month ago

1. Add an option to set a manual field value for "Import CSV Wizard" at import time.

Example: The import has a field 'active'. In the CSV the field 'active' is 1. But at import time it should be set to 0. Although this can easily be changed in the CSV-File before or with an SQL-Statement after it would be very convenient to change it at import time.

2. Add the possibility for some simple transformations at import time.

Example: There are three fields 'color', 'size' and 'type'. The field 'type' should have the content "T-Shirt color size". Transformation would be something like 'CONCATENATE "T-Shirt" . " " . color . " " . size' resulting in e.g. "T-Shirt red xxl".

I know this is a stupid example, but transformations could provide real powerful possibilities.