TablePlus / TablePlus

TablePlus macOS issue tracker
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Make auto lazy load schema opt-in #3297

Open meijdenmedia opened 1 month ago

meijdenmedia commented 1 month ago

I replied to this closed issue but can't reopen it. Would be better (imho) if this option is opt-in as it is (afaik) only affecting some power-users?

meijdenmedia commented 1 month ago

Or maybe add an application wide setting which can be overridden on database (connection) level? Now I have to enable this feature for all my database separately.

It's very annoying to not be able to find my database tables easily..

huyphams commented 1 month ago

We've been considering it for a while @meijdenmedia TablePlus should perform some checks before suggesting users disable the option. For instance, it could count the number of schemas and tables. If there are too many of them, which could cause performance issues, the app will suggest enabling it; otherwise, it will disable it for better navigation.