TablePlus / TablePlus

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SQL editor names should be persistent #3328

Open BFJonk opened 2 weeks ago

BFJonk commented 2 weeks ago

Please answer the questions below, it helps us to keep track of the issue. Please do not ignore it or your issue will be closed.

  1. Which driver are you using and version of it (Ex: PostgreSQL 10.0): postgresql15

  2. Which TablePlus build number are you using (the number on the welcome screen, Ex: build 81): Version 6.0.5 (559)

  3. The steps to reproduce this issue:

    1. rename a SQL editor tab, like this: image
    2. image

    3. Quit Table plus
    4. re-open tableplus
      • observed behaviour: tableplus reopens, all open previously opened SQL-editor are re-opened, with the queries in it that were in it; all SQL editor names are SQL Query
      • expected behaviour: tableplus reopens, all open previously opened SQL-editor are re-opened, with the queries in it that were in it; all SQL editor names are the same as before closing Tableplus
huyphams commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks @BFJonk let me fix this bug.

huyphams commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @BFJonk I could not reproduce the issue, are you upgrade the app from the old build? From the new release, it always restore the tab with name.

BFJonk commented 1 week ago

Hi, @huyphams. fully agree!

I should have been more dilligent or accurate. Indeed the tabnames are preserved when using Quit & Restart.

New try.... Steps to reproduce this issue:

  1. open connection
  2. open SQL window 1
  3. write something in SQL window 1 e.g. --test 1
  4. open SQL window 2 --> tabs appear
  5. write something in SQL window 2 e.g. --test 2
  6. rename SQL window 1 & 2 (e.g. test 1 / test 2)
  7. open SQL window 3
  8. write something in SQL window 3 e.g. a long and complicated query
  9. rename SQL window 3
  10. now close window 3 and window 2
  11. now again open 2 SQL windows Observed behaviour: the two windows opened in step 13 will contain the persisted contents of SQL window 2 & 3, the names of the tab will however just be SQL query Expected behaviour: the two windows opened in step 13 will contain the persisted contents of SQL window 2 & 3, and the tab names will have persisted as well. The tab names should of course match the original contents and names