TablePlus / TablePlus

TablePlus macOS issue tracker
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add option to make autocomplete less aggressive when choosing what results to offer #601

Open alvint opened 6 years ago

alvint commented 6 years ago

Currently in my DB, when I invoke autocomplete for the letters inp , I get lots of unlikely results:


All but the first two are almost certainly not what the user wanted and are just cluttering the results.

How about adding an option where either the entire input must occur whole within the table name, or all fragments of the input must occur at the beginning of a word in the table name? Separate words could be detected by the "_" character or changes in case.

For the given input abcd:

huyphams commented 6 years ago

It's because TablePlus auto-suggestion based on the fuzzy algorithm. I'm still trying to make it smarter. SQL Query is the most frequented feature in TablePlus. Auto-suggestion needs to be better.