TabooLib / adyeshach

Powerful plugin for creating virtual NPCs within the Minecraft
MIT License
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[Closed] feature: add support to itemsadder #63

Closed Zarkness closed 1 year ago

Zarkness commented 1 year ago

add support to itemsadder to be able to put custom skins on npcs

Bkm016 commented 1 year ago

don't understand itemadder, please tell me the documentation of the specific function 🤔

Zarkness commented 1 year ago

the idea was to add support to the itemsadder which is this plugin to put custom textures to the npcs with texture pack which is what the itemsadder is in charge of creating a texturepack.


Bkm016 commented 1 year ago

Sorry, itemsadder does not support binding models to virtual entities

     * Spawns a CustomEntity and returns the created CustomEntity instance, or null if Namespace and ID are invalid.
     * @param namespacedId Namespace and ID in the format {@code namespace:id} to get the CustomEntity from.
     * @param bukkitEntity the Bukkit entity you want to convert.
     * @return Possibly-null CustomEntity instance.
    public static CustomEntity convert(String namespacedId,
                                       LivingEntity bukkitEntity)

It requires a BukkitEntity as a carrier, which adyeshach does not have:

@param bukkitEntity the Bukkit entity you want to convert.


Bkm016 commented 1 year ago

Zarkness commented 1 year ago

Sorry, itemsadder does not support binding models to virtual entities

     * Spawns a CustomEntity and returns the created CustomEntity instance, or null if Namespace and ID are invalid.
     * @param namespacedId Namespace and ID in the format {@code namespace:id} to get the CustomEntity from.
     * @param bukkitEntity the Bukkit entity you want to convert.
     * @return Possibly-null CustomEntity instance.
    public static CustomEntity convert(String namespacedId,
                                       LivingEntity bukkitEntity)

It requires a BukkitEntity as a carrier, which adyeshach does not have:

@param bukkitEntity the Bukkit entity you want to convert.


ok, so nothing, I will have to put npcs with custom skin or if I can do it with citizens I prefer to do it with adyeshach since it is more optimized and it allows me to only look at the npc with the condition that I put, thank you very much anyway.

LoneDev6 commented 1 year ago

You can spawn custom entities without having to provide a BukkitEntity. Use noBase=true.

    public static CustomEntity spawn(String namespacedId,
                                     Location location,
                                     boolean frustumCulling,
                                     boolean noBase,
                                     boolean noHitbox)
Bkm016 commented 1 year ago

@Zarkness what it namespacedId? can you give me an example, I don't have itemsadder 🥹

Namespace and ID in the format {@code namespace:id} to get the CustomEntity from.

Zarkness commented 1 year ago

@Zarkness what it namespacedId? can you give me an example, I don't have itemsadder 🥹

Namespace and ID in the format {@code namespace:id} to get the CustomEntity from. @Bkm016

from what I'm looking at the namespace:id is namespace = name of the category, id = name or id of the item or npc within that category.

I haven't been using itemsadder long enough to explain perfectly what is what.

I don't know what @LoneDev6 will say about that since he is the plugin dev and knows better if I am right or not.

LoneDev6 commented 1 year ago

Zarkness commented 1 year ago

@Bkm016 hi?

Zarkness commented 1 year ago

Hi, @Bkm016 could you pass me the documentation of the plugin api?

LoneDev6 commented 1 year ago

Hi, @Bkm016 could you pass me the documentation of the plugin api?

Please read the wiki. Everything is explained.

Zarkness commented 1 year ago

Hi, @Bkm016 could you pass me the documentation of the plugin api?

Please read the wiki. Everything is explained.

I can't find the link

Zarkness commented 1 year ago

@Bkm016 hello?

Zarkness commented 1 year ago

how do i set the npc to execute a command when i click on it?

Bkm016 commented 1 year ago

@Zarkness Sorry, I can't respond to questions in time due to work reasons 🥹

Zarkness commented 1 year ago

@Zarkness Sorry, I can't respond to questions in time due to work reasons 🥹

nothing happens, it is normal to take a long time to answer, either because you forget, because of work or whatever, as long as you end up answering when you can nothing happens. @Bkm016

Bkm016 commented 1 year ago

Hi, @Bkm016 could you pass me the documentation of the plugin api?

new doc:

Zarkness commented 1 year ago

ok, thank you very much, can you pass me the link to the wiki where it tells me how to add a command to the npc for when a user clicks on it?

I was looking and I saw that you have to buy the plugin and I was wondering from where I could buy it and if it would be possible to buy the latest but only one payment or permanent and not have to pay annually.

Bkm016 commented 1 year ago

Adyeshach 的文档是公开的,插件也是免费的,暂无海外支付方式。如果你使用的是 Adyeshach 2.0 以上的版本,你可以直接在 /npc edit 中编辑交互命令。


The documentation for Adyeshach is public, and the plugins are also free. Currently, there are no overseas payment methods available. If you are using Adyeshach version 2.0 or above, you can directly edit the interaction commands in /npc edit.

Zarkness commented 1 year ago

ok, thank you very much, that's what happens for looking quickly at the documentation, using the translator to understand it and not reading it well hahahaha.

then I will wait to see if in the future you can buy from abroad.

Zarkness commented 1 year ago

One thing would it be possible to help with the translation of the wiki even with the translator?

Bkm016 commented 1 year ago

One thing would it be possible to help with the translation of the wiki even with the translator?


Galaxy-VN commented 1 year ago

One thing would it be possible to help with the translation of the wiki even with the translator?


I can help you in translate wiki

Zarkness commented 1 year ago

One thing would it be possible to help with the translation of the wiki even with the translator?

🫶 The only thing to help with the translation is how do I do it since I don't have access to the repository or anything on the wiki.

The only thing I don't have much time, I usually wake up between 8 and 10 am spanish time and then in the evenings I'm around 21 or 22 spanish time, plus then my minecraft server project.

Zarkness commented 1 year ago

One thing would it be possible to help with the translation of the wiki even with the translator?


I can help you in translate wiki

If you want to help me better, I don't have much free time, so it would take me a long time to finish the translation.

Galaxy-VN commented 1 year ago

Its fine for me anyway

One thing would it be possible to help with the translation of the wiki even with the translator?


I can help you in translate wiki

If you want to help me better, I don't have much free time, so it would take me a long time to finish the translation.