TabularEditor / TabularEditor

This is the code repository and issue tracker for Tabular Editor 2.X (free, open-source version). This repository is being maintained by Daniel Otykier.
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Removing column which has translation/perspective #1202

Open m-kovalsky opened 1 month ago

m-kovalsky commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug If I try to remove an object (i.e. column) that is part of a perspective or contains a translation, it successfully deletes but then if I go to 'Edit' -> Show history... I get the error in the screenshot.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Put a column into a perspective or make a translation for a column
  2. Right click on the column and click 'Delete'
  3. In the file menu go to 'Edit' -> Show history...
  4. See error below

Observed behavior After learning more about this, it happens because of a dependency on the translation or perspective (and the fact that translations/perspectives are managed in a separate part of the .bim file. If you use TOM to remove an object which is part of a translation or perspective you get an error. IMO this shouldn't happen - it should allow you to delete it. I think the error in TE stems from that.

Application specifics