TabularEditor / TabularEditor3

Bug reports, feature requests, discussion and documentation for Tabular Editor 3 (commercial version).
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Option for checking all partitions against changed data types #11

Closed zenzeinet closed 1 year ago

zenzeinet commented 3 years ago

The Update Table Schema is giving me some wrong suggestions on updating the data types of imported data, in particular to change a double to a int. The data loaded to the table comes from different PowerQuery (M) partitions. The issue might be related (I need to check) to the different M partitions providing different data types. But it could be an idea to check all the partitions to see if they return different data types for the same column.

otykier commented 3 years ago

Thanks for reporting.

Currently, TE3 uses the following mapping from Power Query data types to Tabular data types:

PQ TypeName Tabular Data Type
binary.type Binary
binary Binary
varbinary Binary
variant Binary
sqlvariant Binary
any.type String
text.type String
text String
string String
char String
nchar String
varchar String
nvarchar String
number.type Double
double.type Double
single.type Double
percentage.type Double
duration.type Double
decimal.type Double
number Double
real Double
float Double
single Double
double Double
currency.type Decimal
currency Decimal
decimal Decimal
numeric Decimal
money Decimal
smallmoney Decimal
int64.type Int64
int32.type Int64
int16.type Int64
byte.type Int64
int Int64
integer Int64
whole Int64
byte Int64
bigint Int64
smallint Int64
tinyint Int64
int64 Int64
int32 Int64
int16 Int64
long Int64
datetimezone.type DateTime
datetime.type DateTime
date.type DateTime
time.type DateTime
datetime DateTime
date DateTime
time DateTime
logical.type Boolean
boolean Boolean
bool Boolean
bit Boolean

There is a known bug with decimal.type mapping to Double, where it should actually map to Decimal, but this seems unrelated to your issue. Perhaps one of the PQ types that maps to Int64 should be changed.

May I ask you to check what the Power Query data type of the problematic columns are? (For example, using Power Query inside Power BI or Excel, wrap the original M-query in a call to Table.Schema and look at the "TypeName" column).

otykier commented 3 years ago

The bug I mentioned above has been fixed in 3.0.1. Could you let me know if the issue still persists?

zenzeinet commented 3 years ago


From what I've been looking, the problem is on my side. but it would be interesting that it would not. Let me explain:

I understand this is not good design, but it is the way the source data we join is typed. We could unify it in PQ/M steps, but in general prefer to do as little as possible there.

It would be great if TE3 could check all the partitions, and suggest the safest / more general type whenever multiple types are assigned to a column. Also, having a warning that this is happening would be good - specially if strings are implicitly converted.

You can mark this issue as "user error" or "TE3 improvement" as you better see fit :) BR

otykier commented 3 years ago

I will provide an option for checking all partitions (it might be slower than checking only the first one), and showing a warning if data types do not match between individual partitions. Great suggestion!

powerjibe commented 3 years ago

Hi, I just wondering where to find the link in the application to update the table schema. Right Click on table has no option for it. I am open the model from a folder. Could that be the reason? KR

otykier commented 3 years ago

Hi @powerjibe. Currently, the Update Table Schema feature is only enabled while connected to an instance of Analysis Services. So if you are opening the model from a folder, you should use the new Workspace Database feature to simultaneously connect to Analysis Services.

There will soon be an update, that allows Tabular Editor 3 to update table schema even when not connected to Analysis Services, but this option will be limited in the same way as it is in Tabular Editor 2.x (i.e. it only works with SQL-partitions against relational data sources - so no support for Power Query partitions).