TabularEditor / TabularEditor3

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FormatDAX button disabled #1201

Open rvgfox opened 5 months ago

rvgfox commented 5 months ago


As you can see in the image the formatDAX button it's disabled. Why?

Tabular Editor 3 Version




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mlonsk commented 5 months ago

Hi @rvgfox It looks like you have selected a C# Script (.csx) from your screenshot.

A C# script cannot be used to format DAX, which is why the option is greyed out.

rvgfox commented 5 months ago

No, the problem it's the same with the measures:


mlonsk commented 5 months ago

It looks like there is still a script selected somewhere given the script toolbar buttons that you have available: image

Or TE's toolbar has somehow gotten stuck on that option, as it is not something I can reproduce on my end.

Could you try resetting your layout with Window-> Default Layout or if that doesn't work deleting he layouts.json file in %LocalAppData%\TabularEditor3 and restarting Tabular Editor?

rvgfox commented 5 months ago

Deleting the layouts.json it works. But moving the windows to get "my layout" it doesn't works.

mlonsk commented 5 months ago

Hi @rvgfox I am not sure I understand the final comment on moving the windows.

Does the issue reoccur when you move the windows to different locations. If so could you share your Layout.json file where the issue occurs so we can reproduce and debug the issue?