TabularEditor / TabularEditor3

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Show Seconds (HH:MM:SS) for datetime data types in DAX Query Results #1283

Open mlonsk opened 4 weeks ago

mlonsk commented 4 weeks ago

Description Please provide a clear and concise description of your issue here: The DAX Query result pane does not show the seconds for DateTime values:

Tabular Editor 3 Version Please provide the version of Tabular Editor 3 (3.X.Y) 3.14.0

Steps to Reproduce Please describe how to reproduce your issue.

  1. Open DAX Query window
  2. Run Evaluate [TableName] against a table which contains a column with DateTime values
  3. The results is shown without the Seconds regardless of format string has been set or not.

Screenshots Please provide one or more screenshots or GIFs that show the issue. image

Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen. The DAX Query view should display the full HH:MM:SS datetime value

Windows Version The version of Windows Tabular Editor is running on e.g. 10/11 Windows 11