TabularEditor / TabularEditor3

Bug reports, feature requests, discussion and documentation for Tabular Editor 3 (commercial version).
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No Display of Errors in DetailRowExpression #718

Closed MarioMue13 closed 2 weeks ago

MarioMue13 commented 1 year ago


1) the Error in the Detail Row Expression is shown but I am missing a Info (Mousover like in TE2) 2) an Error in the DetailRow Expression on table level is not shown at all

otykier commented 1 year ago

Regarding the info, please check the Messages view, which should show information about all DAX expressions that have errors.

Your point 2) is a bug. We'll look into it. Thanks!

mlonsk commented 2 weeks ago

This bug has been solved in newer version of Tabular Editor 3. image

Closing the issue, thank you for reporting it so it could be fixed.