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[Question] Is there a way to detect if the application running a script is TE2 or TE3? #969

Closed bernatagulloesbrina closed 9 months ago

bernatagulloesbrina commented 10 months ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Sometimes is tricky to make fully compatible scripts so it would be nice to conditionally execute different parts of the code if the application executing is TE2 or TE3

Describe the solution you'd like Some method or system variable that I could check to determine the application version (2 or 3)

Describe alternatives you've considered When creating a calc table with an expression is easy to check the application because in TE2 it does not have columns, but in other cases I'm not sure how to go about this problem

otykier commented 10 months ago

Hi Bernat.

It is possible to check the version at runtime, using something like:



This contains the full version number of the currently running Tabular Editor build. If you just need to know whether it's 2 or 3, use:

var isTabularEditor3 = typeof(Table).Assembly.GetName().Version.Major == 3;

However, in some cases, the script cannot be compiled unless it was written for a specific version of Tabular Editor. The good news is that both TE2 and TE3 scripts support preprocessor directives, but the bad news is that, neither TE2 nor TE3 defines a conditional symbol that you can use in the directive.

I will make sure to add the symbols "TE2" and "TE3", in the next update of both applications, so that you can use conditional compilation like the following, going forward:

#if TE2
    Info("This code is only ever compiled when the script is running in Tabular Editor 2");
    Info("This code is only ever compiled when the script is running in Tabular Editor 3");

Will also add symbols for specific minor versions, i.e.: TE2_7, TE2_7_OR_GREATER, TE_3_9_OR_GREATER, etc., which will let you write scripts that gracefully handle situations where a specific version is required:

    // ... code that relies on functionality introduced in Tabular Editor 3.9.0 ...
    Error("This script requires Tabular Editor 3.9 (or newer) to be able to run.");
bernatagulloesbrina commented 10 months ago

Awesome! Thank you

El dj., 3 d’ag. 2023, 10:58, Daniel Otykier @.***> va escriure:

Hi Bernat.

It is possible to check the version at runtime, using something like:


[image: image]

This contains the full version number of the currently running Tabular Editor build. If you just need to know whether it's 2 or 3, use:

var isTabularEditor3 = typeof(Table).Assembly.GetName().Version.Major == 3;

However, in some cases, the script cannot be compiled unless it was written for a specific version of Tabular Editor. The good news is that both TE2 and TE3 scripts support preprocessor directives, but the bad news is that, neither TE2 nor TE3 defines a conditional symbol that you can use in the directive.

I will make sure to add the symbols "TE2" and "TE3", in the next update of both applications, so that you can use conditional compilation like the following, going forward:

if TE2

Info("This code is only ever compiled when the script is running in Tabular Editor 2");


Info("This code is only ever compiled when the script is running in Tabular Editor 3");


Will also add symbols for specific minor versions, i.e.: TE2_7, TE2_7_OR_GREATER, TE_3_9_OR_GREATER, etc.

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otykier commented 9 months ago

Hi Bernat. As of 3.10.0 we now have support for preprocessor symbols in TE3 (will add them to TE2 soon!).

But for now, a script such as the following should work in both TE2 and TE3:

#if TE3
    Info("This only gets compiled in TE3");
    Info("This only gets compiled in TE2");

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