Tachiorz / MS2-English-Translation

Maplestory 2 Fan Translation
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CN troubles (original issue was hijacked) #53

Open Tachiorz opened 8 years ago

Tachiorz commented 8 years ago

name="Maple World"/> => name="Maple World" />

wh000wh000 commented 8 years ago

hi Tachiorz im a mabinogier too,and I want to build my own ms2 translation project, in the Chinese environment.I can use C#, can I get your help.

Tachiorz commented 8 years ago

@wh000wh000 contact https://github.com/wowzql he doing Chinese translation

wh000wh000 commented 8 years ago

they copy my webside。。www.cc8.cc

wh000wh000 commented 8 years ago

they copy my webside。。www.cc8.cc http://www.cc8.cc/forum.php

I have no way to stop them, so I can only come to contact you

We fabricated black desert and bless localization tool, but they copy the our website, and from here you get the MS2 tools.....plz help me

we are fansite and they are taobao businessman。。they use your tools to thelp Help them sell Korean accounts=》 https://sshangame.taobao.com/?spm=a1z10.1-c.0.0.XhUOdW

cc8.cc is my fansite,and They're just copy my My design。。。 look。。。 http://upyunjingtai.cc8.cc/data/attachment/forum/201602/06/221659tsuseeqq3w3nweww.jpg http://upyunjingtai.cc8.cc/data/attachment/forum/201602/06/221704d3lgz3g88ijlwl3i.jpg http://upyunjingtai.cc8.cc/data/attachment/forum/201602/06/221711bt5tjgf4zoh3jjrj.jpg

and More seriously. . He claimed that he created this tool http://upyunjingtai.cc8.cc/data/attachment/forum/201602/06/224540dl5i2zm552zl92jh.jpg

plz...help me to do one more chinese ver..

wh000wh000 commented 8 years ago

im a mabinogi's big fans, i used run thebiggist mabinogi fansite in china

this is my job http://www.yydzh.com/read.php?tid=752544 its a multi language version。

plz help me Strike the copy cat,I can contribute to the project as much as I can...

wh000wh000 commented 8 years ago

@Tachiorz @

Tachiorz commented 8 years ago

Honestly, I didn't expected some rivalry or drama and don't want to be a part of it. I'll stop doing updates for CN translation until you find out common grounds and settle this dispute.

wh000wh000 commented 8 years ago

sorry about hijacked your original issue

Tachiorz commented 8 years ago

see #47

wh000wh000 commented 8 years ago

Thank you for your attitude, it is not your fault, we are more willing to enrich the content of Chinese, rather than the tool itself is being used as a profit.

wowzql commented 8 years ago

@wh000wh000 If you have any complaints or suggestions about me, U can contact me. My QQ:408288086. Thank u.

wh000wh000 commented 8 years ago

Is this your apology? Or will you continue to claim that this tool is your development, and continue to copy our website?

wowzql commented 8 years ago

@wh000wh000 When did i say tool is my development... I JUST said i make the translation program ok? I don't want to argue with you. If u really want to talk with me , U can direct contact with me. I already give u my QQ. Thank u.

Tachiorz commented 8 years ago

@wh000wh000 So what do we do? I compared page sources and they doesn't look like a copy of cc8.cc. Also it seems like translation is free and they only take donations. So I don't see any reason not to help. If you can't on don't want to participate on wowzql translation for some reason, leave an e-mail

wh000wh000 commented 8 years ago

my email wl4@qq.com

wh000wh000 commented 8 years ago

he just change some thing copy from me but seriously? You want to believe this man? You do not understand the HTML code or do I need to provide my PSD design it?

Smallthing commented 8 years ago

my email : smallthing@gmail.com g+ too

wh000wh000 commented 8 years ago


he coped “Smallthing”s issues。。。

wowzql commented 8 years ago

Don't argue about this matter anymore, everyone is busy. It doesn't make any sense. Do something practical for the MS2.

wh000wh000 commented 8 years ago

we want do something but you let me ?