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A Transformative Pipeline w/ Highland Streams + Lodash FP 💚 #10

Open samjonester opened 7 years ago

samjonester commented 7 years ago

Your name and twitter handle: Sam Jones @samjonester

Your talk idea, described briefly: A Transformative Pipeline w/ Highland Streams + Lodash FP

This talk will spark curiosity into functional programming. It will use Highland Streams to define a pipeline of transformations to some JSON files. The specific transformations will be designed with Lodash FP. Then this pipeline will be executed on some files in the file system.

This talk will have code on slides, but in small tolerable doses. I like to present code in units that can be digested without a lot of reading, and without the need to hold the entire system in one's head. I also love colors! I use color and contrast to call attention to the important bits in the code.

Approx length - Must be less than 15 minutes to be considered: 10-15 min

Type of talk (creative, passion, technical): Technical

pixelyunicorn commented 7 years ago

Hey Sam, thanks for you talk submission!

Our next TacoJS is on the evening of Tuesday, August 22. Would that date work for you?

samjonester commented 7 years ago

Thanks, Victor! I would love to give my talk, but that date doesn't work for me. My wife is due to have our baby a couple days after the meetup, so I don't feel comfortable making the commitment. Maybe the next one :)

pixelyunicorn commented 6 years ago

Hey Sam (@samjonester)!

I know it's been a while, but we are looking to start TacoJS back up in the near future. Are you still interested in speaking at the meetup (even if it's on a different topic), and if so, what 3+ months would you be available to speak?