TacoTheDank / Scoop

[ADB/Root] Catches a stack trace when an app crashes unexpectedly.
Apache License 2.0
321 stars 24 forks source link

Application must restart to show new logs #69

Open Wjxfi opened 2 years ago

Wjxfi commented 2 years ago

miui 13.0.5 android 12 (api 31)

LoganDark commented 1 year ago

pull down to refresh would be a good ux I believe

TacoTheDank commented 1 year ago

@LoganDark This is a neat idea, but I also think auto-refreshing when resuming the application is a good solution.

LoganDark commented 1 year ago

@LoganDark This is a neat idea, but I also think auto-refreshing when resuming the application is a good solution.

Do you mean requiring the user to open the task switcher and then go back to the app, even if they are trying to monitor crashes of background services that are still running at the same time as scoop? Because that's what I was doing. I was not just switching to scoop after a foreground app crashed. I would be doing something like trying to enable bluetooth from the notification pulldown and having it crash, then being annoyed that it won't show up in Scoop

RokeJulianLockhart commented 3 months ago


@Wjxfi, that's not been my experience - if I crash Google Messages or X multiple times, merely returning to the application afterward from the task switcher displays the new crashes.