TadasBaltrusaitis / CCNF

Libraries for training and testing Continuous Conditional Neural Fields with a number of sample problems and other baselines.
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Training problem #1

Open sunjunlishi opened 9 years ago

sunjunlishi commented 9 years ago

PDM training:using Create_pdm_wild is ok and new model worked. but patch training: combined_XXX_YY.bat (in prepared_data dir) did not contained;and others such as cofw_0.5_1.bat are 29 points. is it worked?

sunjunlishi commented 9 years ago

Prepare_data_general_all.m not finded i think it is Prepare_data_combined_all.m.

sunjunlishi commented 9 years ago

The flow is :Prepare_data_wild_all.m collect imgs and pts; Prepare_data_Multi_PIE_all.m; Prepare_data_combined_all.m,the last using Script_Training_general.m to get ccnf_patches_X_general.txt

and where is Prepare_data_Multi_PIE_all.m origin data from?

sunjunlishi commented 9 years ago

i used Script_Training_general.m and wild.mat and it worked

TadasBaltrusaitis commented 9 years ago


I did not include the Multi-PIE data as you would need to acquire it yourself, you can find it here - http://www.multipie.org/.

You should be able to train the model using cofw and wild data though.

Thanks, Tadas

sunjunlishi commented 9 years ago

Which origin data( that you using provided Model for us) did you used and i wanted add other image to train

AJ611 commented 8 years ago

How do I begin? Can I train using FGRC database as in http://ibug.doc.ic.ac.uk/resources/facial-point-annotations/

TadasBaltrusaitis commented 8 years ago

You should be able to train using any landmark annotation data. Look at the patch_experts/readme.txt for instructions of how to set up and prepare the data.

zhihuazhanggdut commented 7 years ago

Mr TadasBaltrusaitis Hi, your project is very interesting. I'd like to know the principle of Facial Action Unit Recognition.《Facial Action Coding System》, do you have an electronic version of this book ?

                                                                                                                         your zhihuazhanggdut
TadasBaltrusaitis commented 7 years ago

You can find the method used for Facial Action Unit recognition in this paper - https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~tb346/pub/papers/eccv2014.pdf.

I also have more recent work on the topic - https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~tb346/pub/papers/FG2015_camera_ready.pdf, the implementation of which you can find here - https://github.com/TadasBaltrusaitis/OpenFace