TadasBaltrusaitis / OpenFace

OpenFace – a state-of-the art tool intended for facial landmark detection, head pose estimation, facial action unit recognition, and eye-gaze estimation.
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Varying FaceIDs in FaceLandmarkVidMulti #900

Open Chaitali-Kulkarni opened 4 years ago

Chaitali-Kulkarni commented 4 years ago

In the output of FaceLandmarkVidMulti the FaceID of the same person keeps changing.

I know that you have clearly mentioned that there is no guarantee that the FaceIDs will remain constant over a long period of time but I'm wondering if you could give me any tips or workarounds to keep the IDs almost constant?

1) Around what period of time is generally good enough to keep the FaceIDs constant? 2) Is there something that can be changed and some other parameter that can be traded off to get constant FaceIDs?


TadasBaltrusaitis commented 4 years ago

The complexity of what needs to be done to keep the face ids constant will depend a lot on the scene.

  1. If people in the scene are not moving around much, then just keeping track of last location and assigning/re-assigning the ID if the person is close to the previous location might be enough
  2. If people move around a lot and leave/enter the scene a lot, then you need a way to match them to each other (e..g have I seen this person before, or is this a new one). You might be able to use the distance between certain face features (e.g. aligned face image, HOG features) as a way to match between people
  3. The best solution would be to use a face recognition network for creating features to match, but this would require the most amount of engineering.