TadasBaltrusaitis / OpenFace

OpenFace – a state-of-the art tool intended for facial landmark detection, head pose estimation, facial action unit recognition, and eye-gaze estimation.
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Unresolved reference to 'dgesvd_' #977

Closed rallemuuss closed 3 years ago

rallemuuss commented 3 years ago

On a Nvidia Jetson Nano I have compiled OpenBLAS dev branch from source.

Everything until the compilation of OpenFace itself is pretty smooth sailing. I've followed the manual installation, and done as proposed in the ARM thread. When running make on OpenFace itself, it fails on "Linking CXX executable ../../bin/FaceLandmarkVid. I'm getting an undefined reference to dgesvd_ from dlib::scan_fhog_pyramid I've tried with dlib from source and libdlib-dev from apt.

[ 84%] Linking CXX executable ../../bin/FaceLandmarkImg CMakeFiles/FaceLandmarkImg.dir/FaceLandmarkImg.cpp.o: In functiondlib::scan_fhog_pyramid<dlib::pyramid_down<6u>, dlib::default_fhog_feature_extractor>::build_fhog_filterbank(dlib::matrix<double, 0l, 1l, dlib::memory_manager_stateless_kernel_1, dlib::row_major_layout> const&) const': FaceLandmarkImg.cpp:(.text._ZNK4dlib17scan_fhog_pyramidINS_12pyramid_downILj6EEENS_30default_fhog_feature_extractorEE21build_fhog_filterbankERKNS_6matrixIdLl0ELl1ENS_33memory_manager_stateless_kernel_1IcEENS_16row_major_layoutEEE[_ZNK4dlib17scan_fhog_pyramidINS_12pyramid_downILj6EEENS_30default_fhog_feature_extractorEE21build_fhog_filterbankERKNS_6matrixIdLl0ELl1ENS_33memory_manager_stateless_kernel_1IcEENS_16row_majorlayoutEEE]+0x58c): undefined reference to `'dgesvd'`

Any help is greatly appreciated.

rallemuuss commented 3 years ago

I'm note sure how I fixed this, but it had something to do with this cmake error: runtime library [libopenblas.so.0] in /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu may be hidden by files in: /usr/local/lib I solved it by moving the files around between these two locations.