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Create character sheets for main Characters #55

Open FFranziskus13 opened 1 month ago

FFranziskus13 commented 1 month ago

Create character sheets, not nessassarly written out, and create Character Resources.

ramenmitpilz commented 1 month ago

What did you have in mind here? - for the configuration page?

FFranziskus13 commented 1 month ago

In DnD every character has a character sheet. Our Character need at least some of this Values such as Abilities, Skills, equipment and some others. I would create the Main Characters as Resource files with every thing set. Before that the Values have to be defined in a simular way to DnD. I would like to do the Skills and Abilities myself. You could do the Equipment if you want.

Normal DnD Character Sheet (must not be filled out completly)


ramenmitpilz commented 1 month ago

Selection of a random character. At the start of the game, one of the characters will be assigned to you, determined by the roll of the world's dice. Embrace the whims of fate and let destiny decide your path. Each character brings unique abilities and stories, offering a fresh experience every time you play. This element of chance ensures that no two playthroughs are the same, adding an extra layer of excitement and unpredictability to your journey. Will you become a brave warrior, a sensitive elf, or a wise magician? The outcome is beyond your control. Trust in the randomness of the universe and prepare for an adventure unlike any other.

LesB37 commented 1 month ago

As the game starts, a roll of the dice determines which character will be assigned to you. Each character brings unique abilities and stories, offering a fresh experience every time you play. [Each one's got their own skills and backstory, so every playthrough's a fresh ride]. That randomness? It keeps things spicy, making sure no two runs feel the same. This element of chance ensures that no two playthroughs are the same, adding an extra layer of excitement and unpredictability to your journey. [So, are you gonna be the tough guy swinging swords, the nature-loving elf, or the wise old spellcaster? It's out of your hands]. Just got to trust luck and get ready for one heck of an adventure!