Taewan-P / gpt_mobile

Chat app for Android that supports answers from multiple LLMs at once. Designed with Material3 & Compose.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Update Dynamic SVG based xml to ImageVector #3

Closed Taewan-P closed 3 weeks ago

Taewan-P commented 3 weeks ago

Previously, I used xml-based material ui package to add custom theme attributes for dynamic color change inside svg resource (xml). This was to change the svg color dynamically depending on the current user's theme.

Now this is removed and replaced with ImageVector. However, when theme changes, the ImageVector should be recomposed. Implemented by just calculating when called every time. This can be expensive, but these ImageVector are only used in static screens so it will be fine.

github-actions[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

Build complete! Here's the debug APK: https://github.com/Taewan-P/gpt_mobile/actions/runs/9641854690/artifacts/1630666166