It would be very handy to connect the library to a s3 Bucket in addition to a local file system or network storage.
This would allow having "unlimited" storage for someone like a photographer or videographer.
Really nice would be local tagging and then uploading to s3.
add "enable s3" setting for one library
add bucketurl (to have options for example AWS s3, minio, gcp cloudstorage...), region, access & secret key and sync options
scan s3 bucket for existing files
upload files to s3 if option is enabled
Be aware, that there could be costs for s3 for uploading and downloading (previews/thumbnails) and there could be different storage classes like glacier.
This proposal probably falls under Features I Likely Won’t Add/Pull - Native Cloud Integration.
You could try on of these (I don't no whether they work well or at all; or if they delete all your files):
It would be very handy to connect the library to a s3 Bucket in addition to a local file system or network storage. This would allow having "unlimited" storage for someone like a photographer or videographer. Really nice would be local tagging and then uploading to s3.
Be aware, that there could be costs for s3 for uploading and downloading (previews/thumbnails) and there could be different storage classes like glacier.
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