TagnumElite / ProjectE-Integration

ProjectE Support for selected mods
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ATM9 #115

Closed DJDorcFich closed 4 months ago

DJDorcFich commented 4 months ago

i Dont know why and do have any errors but adding the mod to All the mods 9 it removes all emc values from everything.

fusionmc-evilscoop commented 4 months ago

seen this too, only happened in recent update 2.46 of atm9 was fine and dandy in 2.40 forge upgrade from 47.2.19 to 47.2.20 in this version jump

fusionmc-evilscoop commented 4 months ago

linked to issue 114, removing chipped and atm9 works fine with emc...

Im happy to play without chipped :D but this bug is a dupe of 114

TagnumElite commented 4 months ago

Issue #114 was fixed in version v7.1.1