Taiko2k / Tauon

The music player of today! :city_sunrise:
GNU General Public License v3.0
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no sound #1110

Open Rotvoid opened 3 months ago

Rotvoid commented 3 months ago

when i start a song, it shows the song as playing & tracks the time, but there's no sound. flatpak install, running it through the command line gives me this error: ph: Device init error Result Description: Unknown error

Taiko2k commented 3 months ago

See if going to Menu > settings > Audio and changing device fixes it / if it works on any other device. You might need to restart Tauon after that.

Rotvoid commented 3 months ago

exact same issue on all devices unfortunately

Taiko2k commented 3 months ago

Do you know if you are running pipewire or pulseaudio on your system? Since either of those are required. If you do then I'm not sure what the issue is. Unless you can think of anything unusual about your distro or audio setup.

Rotvoid commented 3 months ago

pipewire & that seems to be working normally as far as i can tell. Did have an issue with audio randomly going crunchy months ago, but that got fixed with an update.

Taiko2k commented 3 months ago

Ive made a debug test build that should give more detailed logs when running from command. You can install it using:

flatpak install --user https://dl.flathub.org/build-repo/90241/com.github.taiko2k.tauonmb.flatpakref (uninstall the existing tauon flatpak first)

Try play something then post the output here (feel free to redact any personal information)

Rotvoid commented 3 months ago

ok, now getting this, bit confused abt pipewire/pulseaudio now. Pipewire still tells me it's active.

INFO: [PulseAudio] sample_spec.format not supported by miniaudio. Defaulting to PA_SAMPLE_FLOAT32. INFO: [PulseAudio] Playback attr: maxlength=28224, tlength=7056, prebuf=-1, minreq=-1, fragsize=7056; periodSizeInFrames=882 INFO: [PulseAudio] Playback sample spec: format=Unknown, channels=2, rate=48000 ERROR: [PulseAudio] Playback sample spec is invalid. Device unusable by miniaudio. format=Unknown, channels=2, sampleRate=48000. ph: Device init error Result Description: Unknown error

Taiko2k commented 3 months ago

It should connect to pipewire fine but it seems a little upset at the format that is being requested. Do you know if you make any special configuration changes to pipewire?

Rotvoid commented 3 months ago

not on this install

Taiko2k commented 3 months ago

can you post the full log?

Rotvoid commented 3 months ago

is there a better way to put this in here than to just paste a wall of text?

Gtk-Message: 11:03:50.516: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module" Window size: [936, 1018] 2021 Detected running as Flatpak Installed as Flatpak User files location: /home/causticcarrion/.var/app/com.github.taiko2k.tauonmb/data/TauonMusicBox Found XDG-Downloads: /home/causticcarrion/Downloads Found XDG-Music: /home/causticcarrion/Music Install directory: /app/bin Database loaded in 0.007 seconds. Error loading xcursor Scanning for chromecasts... Start controller server Start PHAzOR backend... DEBUG: WASAPI backend is disabled. DEBUG: DirectSound backend is disabled. DEBUG: WinMM backend is disabled. DEBUG: Core Audio backend is disabled. DEBUG: sndio backend is disabled. DEBUG: audio(4) backend is disabled. DEBUG: OSS backend is disabled. DEBUG: Attempting to initialize PulseAudio backend... DEBUG: Loading library: libpulse.so INFO: Failed to load library: libpulse.so DEBUG: Loading library: libpulse.so.0 Using SDL version: 2.28.5 DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_mainloop_new DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_mainloop_free DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_mainloop_quit DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_mainloop_get_api DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_mainloop_iterate DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_mainloop_wakeup DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_threaded_mainloop_new DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_threaded_mainloop_free DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_threaded_mainloop_start DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_threaded_mainloop_stop DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_threaded_mainloop_lock DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_threaded_mainloop_wait DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_threaded_mainloop_signal DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_threaded_mainloop_accept DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_threaded_mainloop_get_retval DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_threaded_mainloop_get_api DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_threaded_mainloop_in_thread DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_threaded_mainloop_set_name DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_context_new DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_context_unref DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_context_connect DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_context_disconnect DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_context_set_state_callback DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_context_get_state DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_context_get_sink_info_list DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_context_get_source_info_list DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_context_get_sink_info_by_name DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_context_get_source_info_by_name DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_operation_unref DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_operation_get_state DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_channel_map_init_extend DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_channel_map_valid DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_channel_map_compatible DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_stream_new DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_stream_unref DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_stream_connect_playback DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_stream_connect_record DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_stream_disconnect DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_stream_get_state DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_stream_get_sample_spec DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_stream_get_channel_map DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_stream_get_buffer_attr DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_stream_set_buffer_attr DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_stream_get_device_name DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_stream_set_write_callback DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_stream_set_read_callback DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_stream_set_suspended_callback DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_stream_set_moved_callback DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_stream_is_suspended DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_stream_flush DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_stream_drain DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_stream_is_corked DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_stream_cork DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_stream_trigger DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_stream_begin_write DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_stream_write DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_stream_peek DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_stream_drop DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_stream_writable_size DEBUG: Loading symbol: pa_stream_readable_size DEBUG: System Architecture: DEBUG: Endian: LE DEBUG: SSE2: YES DEBUG: AVX2: NO DEBUG: NEON: NO Applying theme: Turbo INFO: [PulseAudio] sample_spec.format not supported by miniaudio. Defaulting to PA_SAMPLE_FLOAT32. INFO: [PulseAudio] Playback attr: maxlength=30720, tlength=7680, prebuf=-1, minreq=-1, fragsize=7680; periodSizeInFrames=960 INFO: [PulseAudio] Playback sample spec: format=Unknown, channels=2, rate=48000 ERROR: [PulseAudio] Playback sample spec is invalid. Device unusable by miniaudio. format=Unknown, channels=2, sampleRate=48000. ph: Device init error Result Description: Unknown error INFO: [PulseAudio] sample_spec.format not supported by miniaudio. Defaulting to PA_SAMPLE_FLOAT32. INFO: [PulseAudio] Playback attr: maxlength=28224, tlength=7056, prebuf=-1, minreq=-1, fragsize=7056; periodSizeInFrames=882 INFO: [PulseAudio] Playback sample spec: format=Unknown, channels=2, rate=48000 ERROR: [PulseAudio] Playback sample spec is invalid. Device unusable by miniaudio. format=Unknown, channels=2, sampleRate=48000. ph: Device init error Result Description: Unknown error INFO: [PulseAudio] sample_spec.format not supported by miniaudio. Defaulting to PA_SAMPLE_FLOAT32. INFO: [PulseAudio] Playback attr: maxlength=28224, tlength=7056, prebuf=-1, minreq=-1, fragsize=7056; periodSizeInFrames=882 INFO: [PulseAudio] Playback sample spec: format=Unknown, channels=2, rate=48000 ERROR: [PulseAudio] Playback sample spec is invalid. Device unusable by miniaudio. format=Unknown, channels=2, sampleRate=48000. ph: Device init error Result Description: Unknown error INFO: [PulseAudio] sample_spec.format not supported by miniaudio. Defaulting to PA_SAMPLE_FLOAT32. INFO: [PulseAudio] Playback attr: maxlength=28224, tlength=7056, prebuf=-1, minreq=-1, fragsize=7056; periodSizeInFrames=882 INFO: [PulseAudio] Playback sample spec: format=Unknown, channels=2, rate=48000 ERROR: [PulseAudio] Playback sample spec is invalid. Device unusable by miniaudio. format=Unknown, channels=2, sampleRate=48000. ph: Device init error Result Description: Unknown error

(tauon.py:3): libnotify-WARNING **: 11:11:09.945: Running in confined mode, using Portal notifications. Some features and hints won't be supported INFO: [PulseAudio] sample_spec.format not supported by miniaudio. Defaulting to PA_SAMPLE_FLOAT32. INFO: [PulseAudio] Playback attr: maxlength=28224, tlength=7056, prebuf=-1, minreq=-1, fragsize=7056; periodSizeInFrames=882 INFO: [PulseAudio] Playback sample spec: format=Unknown, channels=2, rate=48000 ERROR: [PulseAudio] Playback sample spec is invalid. Device unusable by miniaudio. format=Unknown, channels=2, sampleRate=48000. ph: Device init error Result Description: Unknown error

magandrez commented 2 months ago

I have also detected I have no audio. Unfortunately, I cannot find out anything odd from Pipewire logs. I tried installing the debug version you posted above, but it is no longer available.logs I did check that all is good with e.g. Spotify (installed with Flatpak as well).

magandrez commented 2 weeks ago

@Taiko2k any update on this? Do you need any further information?

I just checked today updating the package from flatpak and the issue still persists.

Taiko2k commented 2 weeks ago

I'm assuming the trigger to this bug is related to something unusual about your sound card triggering a bug in Miniaudio, I'm not sure however.

I tried contacting upstream Miniaudio about this but got no response. Given the number of issues I've been having I'm starting to think a better way forward would be to implement native Pipewire support directly into Tauon. I don't have a timeframe for that though.

jbidoret commented 2 weeks ago

Hi. I’ve been looking at this issue for a few weeks. First of all, thanks for Tauon and for your support! I just wanted to let you know that I’m facing a similar problem, running Tauon on PopOs / PipeWire (weirdly, sound playback was ok for some times, then suddenly stopped).