Taiko2k / Tauon

The music player of today! :city_sunrise:
GNU General Public License v3.0
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very high ram usage (8+gb) #1128

Open Lucas-V-L opened 2 months ago

Lucas-V-L commented 2 months ago

I am using the Flatpak version of Tauon on Gentoo Linux - version 7.7.2. I have a music library of about 2,500 OPUS files, with embedded album covers+unsynced lyrics, and .lrc files.

When running, Tauon uses about 8.2gb of ram. this matches pretty closely to the size of my music library, so my suspicion is that it is loading all my music into ram. Attached below is a screenshot of btop displaying the RAM usage. image

Taiko2k commented 2 months ago

Is this just immediately after initial scan or does it persist over app restart?

Lucas-V-L commented 2 months ago

Is this just immediately after initial scan or does it persist over app restart?

it persists across restarts, it seems to fluctuate sometimes though. right now its at 5.6gb. When the app is started, and the splash screen shows, it climbs from an initial ~100mb to about 5-8gb, and then stops climbing and shows the interface. from there it sometimes slowly changes. playing, pausing, shuffling, etc. does not seem to affect it perceptibly.

what is the normal ram usage for a library of about this size?

stkw0 commented 1 month ago

I have a music collection of 14576 songs (+200GB) and for me tauon doesn't consume more than 400MB. I'm also running Gentoo but I don't use the flatpak version.

I don't know if the settings can affect on that. I see that tauon spawn ffmpeg process to decode files, maybe you can check the process tree to see if there are a lot of ffmpeg eating up the RAM, and maybe also /proc/PID/status

Taiko2k commented 1 month ago

I tried testing with some OPUS files but didnt notice a memory leak with those that I tried. If the issue is still present, what is the filesize of the state.p file at /home/<user>/.var/app/com.github.taiko2k.tauonmb/data/TauonMusicBox?