Taiko2k / Tauon

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Caused a crash when testing auto-theme + Carbon theme #1134

Open curbia opened 2 months ago

curbia commented 2 months ago

Some albums were not generating colours so I closed Tauon, and now it won't reopen. Installed as flatpak, and when I launch from terminal:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/app/bin/tauon.py", line 352, in <module>
    from t_modules import t_main
  File "/app/bin/t_modules/t_main.py", line 43046, in <module>
    load_theme(c, theme[0])
  File "/app/bin/t_modules/t_themeload.py", line 143, in load_theme
    colours.playlist_panel_background = get_colour_from_line(p)
  File "/app/bin/t_modules/t_themeload.py", line 51, in get_colour_from_line
    r = int(ll[0] + ll[1], 16)
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 16: 'tr'

I have tried removing state.p, state.p.backup, and tauon.conf from my install folder but it still crashes. :(

How to turn off auto-theming without launching? The error seems to be caused by one of the auto-colour functions.

curbia commented 2 months ago

I managed to get it working again but I had to delete the entire ~/.var/app/com.github.taiko2k.tauonmb/data/TauonMusicBox folder and re-implement my settings from scratch. Leaving this up because this error might be important for fixing an algorithm.

Taiko2k commented 2 months ago

Yeah looks like a bug that should be fixed. But it looks like to me the trigger is a malformatted theme file rather than an internal setting. Were you editing any theme files before this crash perchance?

curbia commented 2 months ago

None of the default ones, and I never activated any custom one because I hadn't done anything more than make a list of all the possible valued by copy-pasting together lines from a few different themes. I had Carbon active when this happened.