Taiko2k / Tauon

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Drag and drop from file manager does not work on Flatpak #1153

Closed pWn574R closed 3 weeks ago

pWn574R commented 1 month ago

Hello, the drag-and-drop functionality in the flatpak does not seem to work while using Dolphin on KDE plasma 6. I am using fedora

YSqQrH0zurvGmYfF commented 1 month ago

Hello, I had same issue with flatpaked Telegram. The app only has permission to read files from the "Downloads" and "Music" folders, so drag-and-drop doesn't work elsewhere. To fix this problem, you need to give permission to the selected folder (or just "Home") in the flatpak app settings. Since you are using KDE, you can do this through Settings. (Also you can use Flatseal or default CLI)

Taiko2k commented 1 month ago

Yeah it's likely an issue of needing to add permission.

Though Tauon should show a warning message when this happens, not sure why it's not showing.

pWn574R commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks! I changes the permissions and it works as expected now