TailorDev / Watson

:watch: A wonderful CLI to track your time!
MIT License
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Please release 2.0.2 to publish Click compatibility fix #469

Closed MaxG87 closed 2 years ago

MaxG87 commented 2 years ago

Since Click 8.0 was published, it is no longer possible to install watson using pipx install td-watson. That would pull version 2.0.1 and subsequently Click 8.0. It gave me quite a headache to sort this out.

By releasing a bugfix release these complications could be avoided for others.

ericguirbal commented 2 years ago

Two workarounds:

  1. Replace click 8.* with the lastest compatible version: pipx install td-watson && pipx inject td-watson click==7.1.2
  2. Install Watson from the GitHub repo where the bug has been fixed one year ago: pipx install git+https://github.com/TailorDev/Watson.git.
MaxG87 commented 2 years ago

I didn't know about pipx inject! Thank you very much!

I ended up with

python setup.py bdist_wheel
pipx install dist/td_watson-2.0.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl

because I had it cloned anyways.

jmaupetit commented 2 years ago

Should be fixed with the 2.1.0 fresh release!