Tajam / jext-spigot-plugin

A spigot plugin that allows server to add custom music disc.
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Texture pack #5

Open devinblade7 opened 3 years ago

devinblade7 commented 3 years ago

Can you please make a example pack for this plugin so we can customize it, I really dk how to link a custom model to the new added music so if you could make a example that would be awesome.

Ennsomniac commented 3 years ago

I also have no idea what to do with this either.

upro2006 commented 2 years ago

We need help.

Edouard127 commented 2 years ago

So, I tested for myself Here for you need to follow the tutorial, etc etc Then for the the texturepack, make a folder, paste this: { "pack" : { "pack_format" : 8, "description" : "Custom Resource Pack" } } for 1.18, 7 for 1.17 etc Then create a folder called assets, go in, create a folder called minecraft, create a file called sounds.json: { "music_disc.INSERT": { "sounds": [ { "name": "custom/MUSIC_NAME_WITHOUT_.ogg" } ] } } Create a sounds folder, go in, create a custom folder, then paste your music in Have fun

some1chan commented 2 years ago

I was digging deep for possible help, and I came across this thread: https://www.spigotmc.org/threads/jukebox-extended-add-custom-music-disc.427725/

TL:DR; download https://www.dropbox.com/s/ueytfdfvukbp615/CJB_Example.zip?dl=1 for a working template!

KoboDev commented 2 years ago

Yeah basically what some1chan and edouard127 said. { "music_disc.deepenough": { "sounds": [ { "name": "custom/deepenough" } ] } }

Although I do need help adding more than 1 fucking music track.

some1chan commented 2 years ago
  "cjbexample": {
    "category": "record",
    "sounds": [
        "name": "cjbexample",
        "stream": true
  "empty_diary": {
    "category": "record",
    "sounds": [
        "name": "unbeatable/empty_diary",
        "stream": true

Here's what worked for me in my sounds.json. AFAIK you're supposed to stream large music files, too.

Long shot, but I was debugging why my resource pack wasn't working. If I added a new piece of music, edited the JSON, or anything, it wouldn't work. After hours of debugging, including changing the sounds.json file, changing the compression level on the ZIP file, manually applying it in my server.properties and Dropbox, then realizing I could test in single player with /playsound, and still watching it fail, I realized my mistake.

Turns out I packed the ZIP file wrong. The pack.mcmeta file wasn't at the root of the zip file, and was in its own folder, along with everything else. After changing that, it worked. Check if you've done the same mistake as me, maybe this is it?