TakaOtaku / Digimon-Card-App

Website to keep track of your Digimon Card Collection and Build Decks with it.
MIT License
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Search bar responsiveness #481

Closed lupoDharkael closed 1 year ago

lupoDharkael commented 1 year ago

Typing in the search bar in order to filter cards by name feels sluggish and takes a lot of time filtering cards while you haven't finished writing the complete word. It is specially notable if you type fast. I think adding a filter delay of 200 or 300ms that gets reset with input would help make it feel less heavy and would eliminate some unneeded filtering.

TakaOtaku commented 1 year ago

Yeah, that annoyed me for a while, but to be honest, I was just too lazy to fix it.

I have added a debounce timer for the input of text and to about half of the other filters.

The change should be live in a few minutes and the rest of the rework should come in a bit :)