TakaOtaku / Digimon-Card-App

Website to keep track of your Digimon Card Collection and Build Decks with it.
MIT License
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Collection export broken #538

Open MichaelRLee opened 6 months ago

MichaelRLee commented 6 months ago

When using collection export, clicking export generates an alert stating "No cards found! No cards, that match your filter were found!"

This seems to occur regardless of whether sets, rarity, or versions are selected. The follow scenarios were tested:

MichaelRLee commented 1 month ago

It's been a few months, and I was just wondering if there are any plans to fix this yet

TakaOtaku commented 1 month ago

Hey sorry, live has been pretty busy, so I didnt get to much coding those last months. I just pushed a fix, which should work.

Neltheraku commented 1 month ago

I had no problems with the export function. But now I have one or at least a quality of life function has been lost. If you now export the decklist, first the number will be displayed, then the name and then the edition. Previously the edition was mentioned first. This made sorting and saving in an Excel table much easier and faster for me. Can you change it to edition mentioned first please?

MichaelRLee commented 1 month ago

Hey sorry, live has been pretty busy, so I didnt get to much coding those last months. I just pushed a fix, which should work.

I'm able to use the collection export feature again, thank you!