Takanu / Capsule

(Blender 4.1) Universal batch export manager
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Getting an error when trying to export a group #1

Closed anadin closed 8 years ago

anadin commented 8 years ago

Open default Blender scene, duplicate a cube, group the cubes and called the group 'Cubes' :)

Set the Location, add a Default Export Settings and then click 'Export' I get this error

"No name has been given to the Cubes group object, please give it a name."

OSX 10.11.2, Blender 2.76b

Longer log..

bpy.ops.group.create(name="Cubes") bpy.context.scene.GXScn.object_switch = '2' bpy.data.groups["Cubes"].GXGrp.export_group = True bpy.data.groups["Cubes"].GXGrp.location_default = '0' bpy.context.space_data.system_bookmarks_active = 3 bpy.context.scene.GXScn.location_defaults_index = 0 bpy.context.scene.GXScn.location_defaults[0].name = "Desktop" bpy.context.scene.GXScn.engine_select = '2' No name has been given to the Cubes group object, please give it a name.

Takanu commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the issue report and apologies for the delay in response. I'll check it out :) I've confirmed the bug and will fix it shortly :+1:

Takanu commented 8 years ago

Actually, although this is a planned feature, currently you need to define a Root for the object. The error report was poorly worded and I apologise :/