Zed has come to 0.145.1 but the release here is 0.144.4. I'm not sure whether it triggers every time there is a new release or just when running it manually.
It shows that a workflow dispatch event can be triggered through a request. Maybe it is a good idea to use IFTTT to build automatically whenever there is a new release.
Zed has come to 0.145.1 but the release here is 0.144.4. I'm not sure whether it triggers every time there is a new release or just when running it manually. https://docs.github.com/en/rest/actions/workflows?apiVersion=2022-11-28#create-a-workflow-dispatch-event
It shows that a workflow dispatch event can be triggered through a request. Maybe it is a good idea to use IFTTT to build automatically whenever there is a new release.