TalAloni / SMBLibrary

Free, Open Source, User-Mode SMB 1.0/CIFS, SMB 2.0, SMB 2.1 and SMB 3.0 server and client library
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Trying to get information from subfolders with smb1 client #78

Closed Pfannaa closed 3 years ago

Pfannaa commented 3 years ago

Hi @TalAloni

Older post for reference: https://github.com/TalAloni/SMBLibrary/issues/9#issuecomment-376871908_

My problem is, i always get the root directorys information. From what i've unterstood. I need to create a handle to the subfolder i want to access. This works fine with SMBv2, but i just don't get how i need to pass the argument in the CreateFile Method with my smb1 client. What confuses me though: I can't pass the handle into the CreateFile method..

My Code:

 ISMBFileStore fileStore = _smbClient.TreeConnect("C$", out status);

            if (status == NTStatus.STATUS_SUCCESS)
                object dirHandle;
                FileStatus fileStatus;

                // SMBClient is SMB1
                if (!_isSMBV2)
                    status = fileStore.CreateFile(out dirHandle, out fileStatus, "\\", AccessMask.GENERIC_READ, FileAttributes.Directory, ShareAccess.Read | ShareAccess.Write, CreateDisposition.FILE_OPEN, CreateOptions.FILE_DIRECTORY_FILE, null);

                    if (status == NTStatus.STATUS_SUCCESS)
                        status = ((SMB1FileStore)fileStore).QueryDirectory(out fileListSMB1, "\\*", FindInformationLevel.SMB_FIND_FILE_FULL_DIRECTORY_INFO);
                        status = fileStore.CloseFile(dirHandle);

                        foreach (FindInformation file in fileListSMB1)
                            //File remoteFile = new File(((SMBLibrary.SMB1.FindFileDirectoryInfo)file).FileName.ToString(), ((SMBLibrary.SMB1.FindFileDirectoryInfo)file).FileIndex);

                            string fileName = ((SMBLibrary.SMB1.FindFileFullDirectoryInfo)file).FileName.ToString();

// SMBClient is SMB2
                else if (_isSMBV2)
                    status = fileStore.CreateFile(out dirHandle, out fileStatus, "Temp", AccessMask.GENERIC_READ, FileAttributes.Directory, ShareAccess.Read | ShareAccess.Write, CreateDisposition.FILE_OPEN, CreateOptions.FILE_DIRECTORY_FILE, null);

                    if (status == NTStatus.STATUS_SUCCESS)
                        status = ((SMB2FileStore)fileStore).QueryDirectory(out fileListSMB2, dirHandle, "*", FileInformationClass.FileDirectoryInformation);
                        status = fileStore.CloseFile(dirHandle);

                        foreach (QueryDirectoryFileInformation file in fileListSMB2)

                            //File remoteFile = new File(((SMBLibrary.FileDirectoryInformation)file).FileName.ToString(), ((SMBLibrary.FileDirectoryInformation)file).FileIndex);

                            string fileName = ((SMBLibrary.FileDirectoryInformation)file).FileName.ToString();

TalAloni commented 3 years ago

CreateFile should be used to obtain the handle to the subdirectory you want to query. (e.g. '\Temp') QueryDirectory should specify the filter within the directory.

Pfannaa commented 3 years ago

Yeah i get the idea, although.. If you are using an SMB1FileStore, it doesn't let you pass in the handle. As seen as in my screenshot. cantpasshandle

Which means, i always get the root directories info. Doesn't matter which path i pass in.

If i try to pass in the handle like this:

if (!_isSMBV2)
                    status = fileStore.CreateFile(out dirHandle, out fileStatus, @"\Temp", AccessMask.GENERIC_READ, FileAttributes.Directory, ShareAccess.Read | ShareAccess.Write, CreateDisposition.FILE_OPEN, CreateOptions.FILE_DIRECTORY_FILE, null);

                    if (status == NTStatus.STATUS_SUCCESS)
                        status = ((SMB1FileStore)fileStore).QueryDirectory(out fileListSMB1, dirHandle, "\\*", FileInformationClass.FileFullDirectoryInformation);
                        status = fileStore.CloseFile(dirHandle);

                        foreach (var file in fileListSMB1)

                            string fileName = ((SMBLibrary.FileFullDirectoryInformation)file).FileName.ToString();

I always get a NotImplementedException at the QueryDirectory call

And now i know why :) --> image

I guess i need to format the path in a different way (i tried "\temp" and various other constellations). Could you please provide the correct formatting ?

TalAloni commented 3 years ago

Sorry, for SMB1 QueryDirectory accepts the path relative to the share, for example: status = ((SMB1FileStore)fileStore).QueryDirectory(out fileList2, "\\Trip\\*", FindInformationLevel.SMB_FIND_FILE_DIRECTORY_INFO); (When "Trip" is the name of the folder insider the share)

Pfannaa commented 3 years ago

Thank you so much! Working like a charm.

Shashichanti commented 5 months ago

hi @TalAloni , i want to access the file from my shared folder \Servever\ROOT\Useruploaded \2024\3\29\Data.pdf

IPAddress iPAddress = IPAddress.Parse(server);

// Connect to the SMB server SMB2Client client = new SMB2Client(); bool isConnected = client.Connect(iPAddress, SMBTransportType.DirectTCPTransport); // Connect to the share NTStatus status1; if (isConnected) { List shares = new List(); // Authenticate with the server NTStatus status = client.Login(string.Empty, username, password); if (status != NTStatus.STATUS_SUCCESS) { throw new Exception($"Failed to connect to share: {status}"); } else if (status == NTStatus.STATUS_SUCCESS) { shares = client.ListShares(out status); }

ISMBFileStore fileStore = client.TreeConnect("Root", out status);
if (status == NTStatus.STATUS_SUCCESS)
    object directoryHandle;
    FileStatus fileStatus;
    status = fileStore.CreateFile(out directoryHandle, out fileStatus, @"\ Useruploaded \2024\3\29\Data.pdf", AccessMask.GENERIC_READ, FileAttributes.Directory, ShareAccess.Read | ShareAccess.Write, CreateDisposition.FILE_OPEN, CreateOptions.FILE_DIRECTORY_FILE, null);
    status = fileStore.CreateFile(out directoryHandle, out fileStatus, "\\", AccessMask.GENERIC_READ, FileAttributes.Directory, ShareAccess.Read | ShareAccess.Write, CreateDisposition.FILE_OPEN, CreateOptions.FILE_DIRECTORY_FILE, null);
    if (status == NTStatus.STATUS_SUCCESS)
        List<FindInformation> fileList2;
        status = ((SMB1FileStore)fileStore).QueryDirectory(out fileList2, "\\*", FindInformationLevel.SMB_FIND_FILE_DIRECTORY_INFO);
        //status=fileStore1.QueryDirectory(out fileList2, "\\*", FindInformationLevel.SMB_FIND_FILE_DIRECTORY_INFO);
        //status = fileStore.CloseFile(directoryHandle);

    //object directoryHandle;
    //FileStatus fileStatus;
    status = fileStore.CreateFile(out directoryHandle, out fileStatus, String.Empty, AccessMask.GENERIC_READ, FileAttributes.Directory, ShareAccess.Read | ShareAccess.Write, CreateDisposition.FILE_OPEN, CreateOptions.FILE_DIRECTORY_FILE, null);
    if (status == NTStatus.STATUS_SUCCESS)
        List<QueryDirectoryFileInformation> fileList;
        List<QueryFileAllInfo> fileList2;
        status = fileStore.QueryDirectory(out fileList, directoryHandle, "*", FileInformationClass.FileDirectoryInformation);
        foreach (FileDirectoryInformation file in fileList)
            Console.WriteLine($"Filename: {file.FileName}");
            Console.WriteLine($"File Size: {file.AllocationSize / 1024}KB");
            Console.WriteLine($"Created Date: {file.CreationTime.ToString("f")}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Last Modified Date: {file.LastWriteTime.ToString("f")}");
        //status=fileStore.GetFileInformation(out FileInformation result, directoryHandle, FileInformationClass.fileinfo);
        status = fileStore.CloseFile(directoryHandle);

But am getting the Exception as STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER Can you please help how can we access the file From subfolders of Shared Root Folder

TalAloni commented 5 months ago

@Shashichanti if you do not know which parameters should be sent (which often happens for first-timers), I suggest you use WireShark to monitor the values sent by Windows clients and imitate that. BTW - it's weird that you call CreateFile twice in sequence without checking if the first call succeeded and without using the handle of the correct call - that's surely a bug. I'm too busy to help everybody with their buggy code - please figure it out or hire someone to help you.