TalAter / annyang

:speech_balloon: Speech recognition for your site
MIT License
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What is the minimum internet connection speed that will let Speech Recognition be smooth enough and usable #442

Closed The-Linguist closed 1 year ago

The-Linguist commented 2 years ago

We all want our apps to react to the user as soon as possible. And as of 2021 people all over the world can still temporarily experience slow connection speeds due to various reasons. According to research on human nature, 4 seconds is the maximum bearable waiting time if you want your app to be called A GOOD APP. Thankfully there are certain browsers that support the NetworkInformation API. So we can,

  1. Detect the user's connection speed
  2. Display an apologetic notification letting the user know that the data transfer rate is too slow and therefore Speech Recognition could take long (like 5 seconds or more to return a result)

In this case the question is,

What do you think is the threshold internet speed in Mbps (Attention: It's not MBytes per second. It's Mbits per second) that would allow our apps to run nicely?

...or should I say nice enough according to research.

P.S. I see that a previous thread exists in which there is no answer to this question.

limury commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately, there is no fixed limit. This depends on a lot of things including the speed of the servers running the speech processing and the length of the audio you are recording. To be honest your best bet is trying to cap your internet speed at different levels using an application and seeing which allow you to have reasonable response times.

The-Linguist commented 1 year ago

I see.