TalaoDAO / AltMe

Talao / Altme wallet : Open source Self Sovereign Identity wallet. Multi ecosystem support : EBSI conformant. ARF EUDI wallet implementation, DIIP and more.
Apache License 2.0
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New translation for French #2685

Open hawkbee1 opened 1 month ago

hawkbee1 commented 1 month ago

"pushAuthorizationRequestTitle": "Push Authorization Request (PAR)", "pushAuthorizationRequestSubTitle": "Default: false\nEnable to secure the authorization code flow", "cardIsValid": "Card is valid", "cardIsExpired": "Card is expired", "signatureIsInvalid": "Signature is invalid", "statusIsInvalid": "Status is invalid", "statuslListSignatureFailed": "Status list signature failed", "walletMetadataForIssuers": "Wallet metadata for issuers", "walletMetadataForVerifiers": "Wallet metadata for verifiers", "statusListCachingTitle": "StatusList caching", "statusListCachingSubTitle": "Default: On\nSwitch off to reload StatusList when needed", "statusList": "Status list", "statusListIndex": "Status list index", "theWalletIsSuspended": "The wallet is suspended.", "clientTypeTitle": "Wallet Client_id Scheme", "confidentialClient": "Confidential Client", "jwkThumbprintP256Key": "JWK Thumbprint P-256 Key"

ThierryThevenet commented 1 month ago

I think the OIDC4VCI setting screen must stay in english whatever the language as the specifications are in english

ThierryThevenet commented 1 month ago

same as previous about translation