TalaoDAO / AltMe

Talao / Altme wallet : Open source Self Sovereign Identity wallet. Multi ecosystem support : EBSI conformant. ARF EUDI wallet implementation, DIIP and more.
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wallet provider APIs / update PIN code #2715

Open ThierryThevenet opened 2 weeks ago

ThierryThevenet commented 2 weeks ago


User changes the PIN code

If user updates his PIN code, wallet must request the wallet provider back end to update the PIN code in the user data base.

Check the flow https://swimlanes.io/u/Rt5vg-FWI

0) User requests to change PIN code 1) Wallet calls /nonce endpoint same as previously 2) Wallet calls the /token endpoint same as previously with 3 trials maximum 3) Wallet requests new PIN code 4) Wallet calls /update-pin endpoint with DPoP built and signed as previously

POST /update-pin HTTP/1.1
Host: wallet-provider.talao.co 
Authorization: Bearer <token>
DPoP: eyljkglkjglkjglkjkjhljkhlhh
Content-Type: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'

salted_pin_code = "kjhgkjhgjhg"

the salted_pin_code is the new one.

The wallet provider back end updates its user base with the new salted_pin_code.