TalaoDAO / AltMe

Talao / Altme wallet : Open source Self Sovereign Identity wallet. Multi ecosystem support : EBSI conformant. ARF EUDI wallet implementation, DIIP and more.
Apache License 2.0
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wallet provider APIs / update attestation #2717

Open ThierryThevenet opened 2 weeks ago

ThierryThevenet commented 2 weeks ago


Wallet request a new wallet attestation

Check the flow https://swimlanes.io/u/Rt5vg-FWI

0) A new attestation is required after a special event 1) Wallet calls /nonce endpoint 2) Wallet calls the /token endpoint 3) Wallet calls /update-attestation endpoint

with DPoP built and signed as previously

new key certificate is added to the body of the request

POST /update-pin HTTP/1.1
Host: wallet-provider.talao.co 
Authorization: Bearer <token>
DPoP: eyljkglkjglkjglkjkjhljkhlhh
Content-Type: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'


The wallet provider back end updates its base with the new salted_pin_code.

Wallet delete the previous attestation