TalaoDAO / talao-wallet

An open source SSI wallet prpposed as a white label solution - EBSI conformant
Apache License 2.0
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Transfer user profile data #102

Closed ThierryThevenet closed 2 years ago

ThierryThevenet commented 2 years ago

L idee c est un self issued credential basé sur les données du profil enregistré sur le téléphone je dois travailler sur le json

ThierryThevenet commented 2 years ago

voila le json LD https://github.com/TalaoDAO/wallet-tools/blob/main/test/CredentialOffer2/SelfIssued.jsonld

lorsque l utilisateur met a jour ses données persos le verifibale credential est emis par lui meme (didkit.issue_verfiiable credential) et il est sauvegardé. IL faudrait lui proposer ce créer ce premier credential à l onboarding sans que cela soit obligatoire

ThierryThevenet commented 2 years ago

attention les attributs vides ne doivent pas apparaitre dans un VC

hawkbee1 commented 2 years ago

didkit.issue_verfiiable credential is the function to use.

hawkbee1 commented 2 years ago

@ThierryThevenet we don't see didkit.issue_verfiiable should we use didkit_vc_issue_credential ?

In the flutter package we have the function:

static String issueCredential(String credential, String options, String key) {
    final vc = issue_credential(
        credential.toNativeUtf8(), options.toNativeUtf8(), key.toNativeUtf8());
    if (vc.address == nullptr.address) throw lastError();
    final vc_string = vc.toDartString();
    return vc_string;

do you know if we should call issueCredential with specific options ?

ThierryThevenet commented 2 years ago

Here's an example with direct call to DidKit: https://github.com/spruceid/didkit/blob/main/lib/flutter/test/didkit_test.dart