TalaoDAO / talao-wallet

An open source SSI wallet prpposed as a white label solution - EBSI conformant
Apache License 2.0
12 stars 5 forks source link

record SelfIssued credential #168

Closed hawkbee1 closed 2 years ago

hawkbee1 commented 2 years ago

1/ check for error on verification. What is currently done with credential offer. if (jsonVerification['warnings'].isNotEmpty) { log.warning('credential verification return warnings', jsonVerification['warnings']);

        'Credential verification returned some warnings. '
        'Check the logs for more information.')));

  if (jsonVerification['errors'].isNotEmpty) {
    log.severe('failed to verify credential', jsonVerification['errors']);
    if (jsonVerification['errors'][0] != 'No applicable proof') {
          StateMessage.error('Failed to verify credential. '
              'Check the logs for more information.')));

2/ record credential await walletBloc.insertCredential(CredentialModel.copyWithData( oldCredentialModel: credentialModel, newData: jsonCredential)); Where:

and state.preview = response is String ? jsonDecode(jsonCredential) : jsonCredential;

TalebRafiepour commented 2 years ago

Where does "response" come from? I must call a URL to get a response?