TalaoDAO / talao-wallet

An open source SSI wallet prpposed as a white label solution - EBSI conformant
Apache License 2.0
12 stars 5 forks source link

siopv2 / PEX #291

Closed ThierryThevenet closed 2 years ago

ThierryThevenet commented 2 years ago

when you remove a condition to the input descriptor (example fields from the constrainty, it does not work anymore

see claims below { "id_token" : { }, "vp_token": { "presentation_definition": { "id": "pass_for_gaiax", "input_descriptors": [ { "id": "ParticipantCredential issued by Talao", "purpose" : "Test for Gaia-X hackathon", "format" : { "ldp_vc": { "proof_type": [ "JsonWebSignature2020" ] } }, "constraints": { "limit_disclosure": "required", "fields": [ { "path": [ "$.credentialSubject.type" ], "purpose" : "One can only accept ParticipantCredential", "filter": { "type": "string", "pattern": "ParticipantCredential" } } ] } } ] } } }

ThierryThevenet commented 2 years ago

see issue grant tezos querybyexample