Talend / ui

Talend's unified web UI repository.
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[Dependencies] Global issue (will be split) #2755

Open romainseb opened 4 years ago

romainseb commented 4 years ago

Here are listed only the major upgrade for dependencies, there is a lot of minor once but a yarn upgrade should be enough for them. The dependencies list there would appear one time by order of appearance. For example, redux-saga is in several packages but it's list only once in the first package encountered



Name Current Latest Description Action Done
deepmerge 1.5.1 4.2.2 used to merge the settings Upgrade [ ]
hoist-non-react-statics 2.5.5 3.3.2 used in cmfConnect Why do we need it ? []
immutable Analyse the impact of a removal []
mkdirp 0.5.1 1.0.4 utilisé dans des scripts de merge Upgrade []
path-to-regexp 2.0.0 6.1.0 used in matchPath forked from router v4 Dangerous upgrade []
react-redux 5.0.7 7.2.0 Compatible with redux 3 / hooks POC move to peerDep and let the app choose a version []
redux 3.7.2 4.0.5 POC to make []
redux-batched-actions 0.2.0 0.5.0 Upgrade []
redux-saga 0.15.6 1.1.3 some function have moved, not a big deal Upgrade []

https://github.com/reduxjs/react-redux/blob/master/package.json#L40 https://github.com/reduxjs/redux/issues/1342


The best way to fix this deps would be to move on TUI-Script to build the library

Name Current Latest Description Action Done
babel-jest 24.7.1 25.3.0 []
eslint 4.0.0 6.8.0 []
eslint-config-airbnb 11.1.0 18.1.0 []
eslint-plugin-import 1.16.0 2.20.2 []
eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y 2.2.2 6.2.3 not sure it's used in the cmf package []
jest 24.7.1 25.3.0 []
node-fetch 1.7.3 2.6.0 for some mocks Upgrade []



The best way to fix this deps would be to move on TUI-Script to build the library

Name Current Latest Description Action Done
eslint-plugin-react 6.3.0 7.19.0 Upgrade []
mock-socket 7.0.0 9.0.3 for some tests Y []
rimraf 2.6.2 3.0.2 rm -rf ? Make a poll to drop native windows usage as WSL exists []



Name Current Latest Description Action Done
chokidar 2.0.2 3.3.1 Upgrade []
deepmerge 1.5.1 4.2.2 Upgrade []
mkdirp 0.5.1 1.0.4 Upgrade []



Name Current Latest Description Action Done
date-fns 1.27.2 2.12.0 Upgrade []
rc-slider 8.6.3 9.2.4 Upgrade []
rc-tooltip 3.7.3 4.0.3 Upgrade []
react-bootstrap 0.32.4 1.0.2 Huge impacts Won't do []
react-dnd 2.5.4 10.0.2 The component that use it is not used Remove []
react-dnd-html5-backend 2.5.4 10.0.2 The component that use it is not used Remove []
react-draggable 3.3.2 4.3.1 Upgrade []
react-popper 1.3.3 2.2.2 Upgrade []
react-transition-group 2.3.1 4.3.0 See to remove the deprecated one (used in drawers) Upgrade []
react-use 13.27.0 14.1.1 Upgrade []
simplebar 4.2.2 5.1.0 Nothing breaking on react side afaik Upgrade []
simplebar-react 1.2.2 2.1.0 Nothing breaking on react side afaik Upgrade []
styled-components 4.1.3 5.1.0 Look at reactour deps (as it's used inside) Analysis and Upgrade []
timezone-support 1.5.5 2.0.2 Upgrade []
uuid 3.0.1 7.0.3 Upgrade []


Name Current Latest Description Action Done
i18next 15.1.3 19.4.2 Take care of extraction Upgrade []
react-i18next 10.10.0 11.3.4 Take care of extraction Upgrade []


Name Current Latest Description Action Done
autoprefixer 7.1.4 9.7.6 Linked to SB Upgrade []
cross-env 5.2.0 7.0.2 Upgrade []
css-loader 1.0.1 3.5.2 Linked to SB Upgrade []
jsdom 11.11.0 16.2.2 Used in some tests Upgrade []
react-a11y 0.3.3 1.1.0 Deprecated move to react-axe []
sass-loader 7.1.0 8.0.2 Linked to SB Upgrade []
slimerjs 0.10.2 1.0.0 to Remove []
style-loader 0.23.0 1.1.4 Linked to SB Upgrade []


Name Current Latest Description Action Done
memoize-one 4.0.0 5.1.1 useMemo or reselect used in class components, need to migrate them first to remove it []
reselect 2.5.4 4.0.0 Upgrade []
react-router 3.2.0 5.1.2 used in sidepanel Analysis []


Name Current Latest Description Action Done
ag-grid-community 25.1.0 26.0.2 Upgrade []
ag-grid-react 25.1.0 26.0.3 Upgrade []


Name Current Latest Description Action Done
react-jsonschema-form 0.51.0 1.8.1 used in TCOMP v0 / TDP Won't do [x]
react-ace 6.2.0 8.1.0 Upgrade []


Name Current Latest Description Action Done
@talend/react-components 2.3.0 5.0.1 😓 Upgrade and add it in the lerna package [x]



Forked, will stay this way for now


Currently used only in TPD, see if it's still useful to keep it


Nothing more as above



Was the old version of TUI-Script


jmfrancois commented 2 years ago

Now we have https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Talend/ui/master/dependencies-latest.md to follow major updates