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Job Chat #139

Closed camerojo closed 11 months ago

camerojo commented 1 year ago

Sub tasks

This facilitates communication between parties involved in a job: source partner, destination partner and candidates

It replicates what we currently do in Slack with job related channels (eg #emp-au-iress), job/candidate related channels (eg #emp-au-iress-atheer), and job/candidate cohort channels (eg #emp-uk-mersey-cohort3). Slack channels are replaced with "chats" associated with the following:

Destination partner on admin portal

Associated with each candidate case on the TC they see:

Source partner on admin portal

Associated with each job that they are working on they see on the TC:

Associated with each candidate case that they are working on they see on the TC:

Candidate on candidate portal

Associated with each job that the candidate is going for (has gone for) they see on the TC:

Another possible chat

One more chat - source/candidate unassociated with any job. Trigger for creation is when source does first post. Email sent to candidate.

camerojo commented 1 year ago


Note that there are:

In database terms:

Websocket config

Endpoint /websocket (do we need to append it now?) Application destination prefix "/app" Destination prefix "/topic"

api/chat/ChatPublishAPI @MessageMapping("/chat/{chatId}") @SendTo("/topic/chat/{chatId}") public PublishedPost sendPost(Post post, @DestinationVariable chatId) { //PublishedPost has some extra stuff added to incoming post - eg date }

Chat implementation

app destination: We need every post to go to a Controller because that is where the post is persisted on the database.

JOIN/LEAVE: Some sample implementations which allow for users to identify and add themselves or remove themselves from a chat. We don't need this because we know the user posting from their logon.

MQ implementations: we don't need this because we are using our database to store chat posts. We just need the in memory.

Similar to ViewCandidateNote component

Need to add file upload capability - photos, docs - similar to what Slack can do. Docs either are associated with candidate or Job

On subscription, chat history retrieved from DB, then updates from messages.


ChatService supports both the above


Two subscriptions for each chat associated with a user:

I believe that multiple subscriptions only need a single WebSocket connection.



TBB admins need special access - eg for training. Potential access on a job by job basis to other partners - eg IOM, UNHCR, Pathway Club

camerojo commented 1 year ago


A "Job Chat" is a TC version of a Slack channel where participants in the channel can make posts and do uploads.

This facilitates communication between parties involved in a job: source partner, destination partner and candidates - plus other "fourth parties" such as TBB Global, UNHCR, IOM, Pathway Club etc

Job chats will replicate what we currently do in Slack with job related channels (eg #emp-au-iress), job/candidate related channels (eg #emp-au-iress-atheer), and job/candidate cohort channels (eg #emp-uk-mersey-cohort3). Slack channels are replaced with "job chats" associated with the appropriate job and candidate opportunities.

Why is it needed

There are partners without access to Slack. That is a challenge that we are already facing, with mixed success. This functionality is also essential for employer and recruiter direct access, which is currently under development. That is what has been the immediate driver for delivering this new functionality now.


We won't be able to replicate everything people can do in Slack - and Slack will continue to be a useful tool for TBB and other partners who use it. However, we should be able to provide a pretty close match to Slack, with the advantage that it is built into the TC. Apart from meaning that all partners don't need to use Slack, having this basic functionality in the TC allows for increased automation and better standardisation and organisation. It is also valuable to have the chats tightly linked to the job and candidate opportunities they are associated with.

Chat definitions

The following sections describe for each of the 5 chats: chat name, participants, fourth party participants (in addition to normal 3 participants: candidate, source partner, destination partner), creation trigger and purpose.

Note that all chats receive automatic posts, as appropriate, by the TC for things like stage changes or updates to job details.

To clarify the main participants in each chat we will use the following abbreviations for the normal chat participants:

When more than one participant of a given type can be involved in a chat, we will add a plus (+). So, for example, 'S+ J' means more than one source partner and a job creator.

Source Partner Chat (S J)

Participants: job source and destination partner associated with prospects for the job in a particular source location 4th party participants: Trainer - eg TBB Global, local UNHCR Created: On job publication Purpose: Source specific communication related to the job Example: The destination partner may post questions relating to conditions in the particular source location.

All Source Partners Chat (S+ J)

Participants: All source partners, job destination partner Created: On job publication Purpose: All general partner communication related to the job. Example: The destination partner can make any post that they believe will be of general interest to source partners. Source partners can communicate with each other on this chat about the job, as well as with the destination partner - for example general questions to the destination partner about the job that could be of interest to everyone could be posted here.

Prospective Candidate Chat (S C)

Participants: Source partner and candidate in source location who is a prospect for the job, but who has not yet reached the stage (after CV Review) where they will be communicating directly with the destination partner. 4th party participants: Trainer - eg TBB Global, local UNHCR Created: When candidate opportunity is created Purpose: Private communication between source partner and each prospective candidate. Example: Early communication between source partner and a potential candidate. This can also be used in later stages for more private communication between the candidate and the source partner - not involving the destination partner.

Recruiting Candidate Chat (S J C)

Participants: Source partner, destination partner and candidate in source location whom the employer has expressed interest in (ie post CV Review) 4th party participants: Trainer - eg TBB Global, Pathway Club, IOM, local UNHCR Created: When a candidate's opportunity stage passes the CV Review stage Purpose: This brings the destination partner into direct communication with the prospective candidate for the first time. Example: Now that the employer has expressed interest in the candidate, the employer's recruiting process begins - arranging interviews, testing etc. The destination partner can use this chat to communicate directly with the candidate, and source partner, to arrange interview times etc. Later on the candidate can post questions about the job, destination country, etc directly to the destination partner. This chat can also be used by the candidate to upload required documents as requested by the destination partner.

All Candidates Chat (S+ J C+)

Participants: All source partners, job destination partner, all candidates who have passed a certain stage (eg job offer) Created: When first candidate passes the job offer stage Purpose: Communication with successful candidates, and all partners who have worked on the job. Example: Candidates can help each other through the process of getting ready to relocate. Partners are also there to help. The key partners will be in the candidates' locations, and the destination partner of course. But other source partners may also have useful advice and experience to share.

User perspectives

Although the different kinds of chats might seem complicated if you try to imagine their use for all different types of user, it will hopefully seem intuitive and natural in the way it is exposed to each individual type of user. They will see the chats associated with jobs and candidate cases in a natural and easily accessible way which assists their normal daily work.

camerojo commented 1 year ago

WebSockets and Stomp are the tech we need.

In the end, I created a Spring Server based on https://spring.io/guides/gs/messaging-stomp-websocket/ and an Angular client based on https://stomp-js.github.io/guide/rx-stomp/rx-stomp-with-angular.html

The main extra learnings to get it all going were in this post https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54578800/spring-boot-error-during-websocket-handshake

This works - on old versions of Spring as well.

However, extra complexity is added when Spring Security is added. Then additional complexity associated with Token authentication. Lastly, note that we calculate the token in a special login controller rather than in the filters.

Other links I looked at are below.


https://spring.io/guides/gs/messaging-stomp-websocket/ BUT see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54578800/spring-boot-error-during-websocket-handshake for correct endpoint to send from client


https://stackoverflow.com/a/27055764/929968 SendTo variable topics



https://stomp-js.github.io/guide/rx-stomp/rx-stomp-with-angular.html https://dimitri.codes/websockets-angular/ https://blog.briebug.com/blog/making-use-of-websockets-in-angular - bit that rxjs includes websocket client https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67896050/how-to-make-a-simple-rxjs-websocket-service-in-angular-12

Angular import: https://www.npmjs.com/package/rxjs-websockets https://blog.logrocket.com/top-websocket-libraries-nodejs-2022/ - I think this is for websockets server

camerojo commented 11 months ago

Moved to Epic