TalentBox / sequel-rails

A gem for using Sequel with Rails 5.x, 6.x, 7.x, 8.x
MIT License
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How to properly "migrate" migrations from previous AR::Migration #114

Open HoneyryderChuck opened 8 years ago

HoneyryderChuck commented 8 years ago

I've been migrating a project from AR to Sequel. After doing all the necessary changes in the models and other layers and making the specs run, I'm finding an issue when running my first migration. First, my dump is called ActiveRecord::Schema. So, with ActiveRecord out, that's the first "ouch" moment. My first step, I assume, is regenerate the schema, hopefully to an hybrid/sql format. How could I generate it from the existing file/database? The other question would be: what to do with the remaining migrations? They all subclass ActiveRecord::Migration, so db:structure:load and other tasks fail as soon as they load one of the files. How to migrate them/ignore them at best?

Preen commented 8 years ago
