Talentica / simpleblockchain

Modular framework to develop blockchain applications
Apache License 2.0
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Support a standard consensus like PBFT #50

Open prem-baranwal opened 4 years ago

prem-baranwal commented 4 years ago

Support a full-fledged rust based consensus as default consensus. Choices could be a) Proof of Authority with more than one validator) or b) PBFT or c) Go-Sig We need not implement it from scratch.

diyism commented 3 years ago

It seems that gosig is very promising, wish that simpleblockchain could support the gosig protocol. Ref: https://www.cs.toronto.edu/~fanl/papers/gosig-socc20.pdf https://github.com/gauravagarwaltal/consensus_gosig

Besides, I think that a database with consensus/consortium/covenant is far more simpler to use than a blockchain, for example BFTDB, but it used tendermint, it's not as scalable as Gosig protocol: https://github.com/davebryson/bftdb/issues/3