TaliYa / Final-Project

Final Project in Software Engineering
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Code to run python files in the shell #8

Open TaliYa opened 6 years ago

TaliYa commented 6 years ago

Work instructions at the terminal from project facilitator Guy Leshem:

Enter the folder where the file is located -> python -> Now the device is recording... -> To stop the recording process: ctrl+c -> Listen to the recording: aplay -r 44100 -f S16_LE -c 1 (instead of 44100 there was 8000 but it was playing very slowly so we changed to 44000) -> After we recorded and received a raw file We would like to convert it to a wav file: -> If we have not yet downloaded SOX we will download SOX: sudo apt -get install sox -> Then navigate through the terminal to the folder where the file is located -> sox -r 44100 -e signed -integer -b 16 -c 1