TalksLab / metro-bootstrap

Twitter Bootstrap with Metro style
Apache License 2.0
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Fixed icons issue #24

Closed meSingh closed 10 years ago

meSingh commented 11 years ago

Background urls for icons where wrong. Fixed that in this commit

goforgold commented 11 years ago

I was facing this issue too. But the changes you have submitted are still wrong for me. The correct path of background image is




This is the same path as found in original bootstrap.css

meSingh commented 11 years ago

@goforgold it depends on the structure you are using. If you are using the default structure like css/, img/ and js/ folders then this commit code will work else it will not. the code that you have provided shows that you have renamed your img directory to images.

In this case it is obvious that these urls will be different.

goforgold commented 11 years ago

@meSingh No dear. I haven't changed the default structure of the files. I have downloaded this package using NuGet package manager in Visual Studio. It is default here.

And it is same as for twitter original bootstrap.

meSingh commented 11 years ago

@goforgold I am not sure how NuGet works but it must be changing the directory names. As you can see in the source area here:

Default directories are img, css and js. Its the same as default Bootstrap package, which can be found here:

goforgold commented 11 years ago

@meSingh may be original bootstrap has different settings with NuGet but when I install twitter bootstrap from NuGet I was not having any such issue while directory structure is very same for both.

goforgold commented 11 years ago

@meSingh As I can see you have suggested this commit 2 months ago. In my opinion this is a good real worthy bug fix. Why it is not being merged in final release..? Is this project no longer active..?

NelsonReis commented 11 years ago

@goforgold This project is definitely active! We just couldn't find the time lately to maintain it, but we are already preparing new things to add to the project. Thanks for your support.

NelsonReis commented 10 years ago

Now that we've updated all the framework to Bootstrap v3, that problem should be taken care of. Thanks for all the feedback, though.