TalksLab / metro-bootstrap

Twitter Bootstrap with Metro style
Apache License 2.0
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CSS errors avalanche #35

Closed advapiIT closed 10 years ago

advapiIT commented 10 years ago

Hi everybody, i saw your theme and thought it was awesome, so i've included it in my project. But as soon as i open my console(firefox one) I found tons of CSS errors from metro-bootstrap.css. So i checked out on your website[ ] and it does the same. Why does it happens?

And also, i've found that on the same page i've just linked, there are classes like 'jumbotron' and similar that are not implemented in metro-bootstrap.css but in bootstrap.css. BTW i've tried to include the main bootstrap.css in my project but it mess with link colors with metro-bootstrap.css.

Thanks, Paolo.

NelsonReis commented 10 years ago

I'm not sure what happened there but that surely isn't the experience that you should get, and neither anyone told us about something like it.

It seems to me that it's not something related to metro-bootstrap, though, so I will close this issue. If you still got some problems with this, please, let us know.