Talos-crypto / Pilatus

Pilatus extends the Talos Framework for Android Applications and/or Smartphone-as-Gateway IoT Applications. Pilatus employs partial homomorphic ciphers (Paillier, EC-ElGamal, proxy-re-encryption PRE, order preserving encryption mOPE, key homomorphic)
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sql script for backend #3

Open tenderitaf opened 6 years ago

tenderitaf commented 6 years ago

In installExampleAppsBE.sh sql schemas under TalosAndroid are used to deploy DBs and not the ones under TalosCloud/sql_scripts, is this the intent or an issue ? example : mysql -u root -p < $LOCAL_PATH/TalosAndroid/AppSQLBackendScripts/AVAApp.sql


lubux commented 6 years ago

Yes, these are the database scripts for the corresponding apps.

tenderitaf commented 6 years ago

There is something wrong here, in FitApp for instance. To register a new user this function is called public static boolean registerUser(User user) which is expects an id,mail and pk whereas FitbitApp.sql has only id and mail causing the backend to vomit an SQL exception.

This yet another exception when I try to run the fitbit app just while syncing the data from fitbit com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Table 'TalosFitbit.Share' doesn't exist