TammyAlok2 / Dsa-150-Days

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First Meeting 18_10_2023 #3

Open TammyAlok2 opened 11 months ago

TammyAlok2 commented 11 months ago

In this meet we have to discuss in following points : Topics for discussing : 1) DSA (problem solving ) 2) React (Namaste -react)
3) Uploading video in youtube 4) Content-writing in geeks-for-geeks 5) Making time table for moring schedule 6) React project series

TammyAlok2 commented 11 months ago

Coming to first topic :

DSA (problem solving )

I want to share that I have completed 4 modules of love babbar course :

Problems and what left in that

  1. Need question to be practised
  2. Not make any proper documentation of codes and question in github
  3. Not solve all the question in leetcode and do not dry run as well
  4. Not yet starting to make video with explanation

Solution to the problems 1) Take 1 week to solve all the question upto week 4 (18 to 21 oct 2023) 2) Make sure to upload the code in the github (dsa 150 days repo)

Coming to second topic

Namaste React I want to share you that I have completed 5 videos of namaste react

Problems and what left in that

  1. Not making the documentation in github
  2. Not practising the code
  3. Don't doing the homework and assingments
  4. Don't making the video to upload in youtube
  5. Don't yet start the project work

Solution to the problems 1) start writing documentation in github in daily basis . in the namaste react repo

Coming the third topic:

Uploading video in youtube

Basically the main motive of doing this is to learn about the topics / pracitsing for the interview / how to present the answer 1) I have to make a video related to DSA topic that I learn that day or make a video related to problems that you solved that day . The task is to upload the link of video in the DSA video in issue section with proper documention [video link: Sending the video to Avinash for feedback ](url) 2) Making a react video for the topics you have learn that day after reading the blogs and try to make a blog on hashnode and gfg in gap of two day and send the video to prankur bhaiya for feedback also give the blog link and video link in the REACT issue section . link of the video : ' ', link of the blog : ' ' screenshot of taking feedback from prankur bhaiya : ' ' 3) (optional ) Make a video for the hindu analysis cover all the points of the article and write the topics in the issue section and paste the link of youtube uploaded .

**All these works are sceduled for the morning from 6 to 8"

Btw 4 and 5 topic is already solved in above problems so coming back to the 6 topic

so we are ready to launch the project series I have to upload 3 projects in the last of october namely: 1) Swiggy app ( namaste react) 2) AI text compressor (Postman) 3) Youtube (Namaste React ) 4) Blog APP ( Hitesh sir ) optional

Thanks for the meet we have to conclude the meeting . so the final time table of challenge will be :

Unchangeable timings (must)

6 am to 8am ( morning schedule for revision ) 7 pm to 10 (Dsa from love babbar) 10 pm to 1pm (Namaste react)

Changebale time :

On off days what we have to do will discuss on the next meet schedule on the 22 oct 1 am Keep learning ...