Tampermonkey Editors on vscode.dev shows script names instead of nametags
Actual Behavior
Tampermonkey Editors on vscode.dev shows nametags instead of script names
(Please give an example of the script if applicable.)
// ==UserScript==
// @name Endless Google pages
// @namespace DeveloperName_OR_Installation_URL
// @Version 1.0
// @description try to take over the world!
// @author Me
// @match http://mywebsite.com/*
// ==/UserScript==
@name is always more helpful and nearly the only thing that devs pay attention to, while @namespace is usually a random username or URL, or anything that doesn't let anyone understand which/what the script actually is/does.
The TM dashboard shows the script @name, why show it differently on vscode.dev?
That's really confusing, vscode.dev is impossible to use because of that, I can't really find anything...
Expected Behavior
Tampermonkey Editors on vscode.dev shows script names instead of nametags
Actual Behavior
Tampermonkey Editors on vscode.dev shows nametags instead of script names
(Please give an example of the script if applicable.)
@name is always more helpful and nearly the only thing that devs pay attention to, while @namespace is usually a random username or URL, or anything that doesn't let anyone understand which/what the script actually is/does.
The TM dashboard shows the script @name, why show it differently on vscode.dev? That's really confusing, vscode.dev is impossible to use because of that, I can't really find anything...